Aug 31, 2011

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Aug 14, 2011

सारे जहां से अच्छा हिंदुस्तान हमारा ,

The Independence Day of India is celebrated on the fifteen of August to commemorate its independence from British rule and its birth as a sovereign nation in 1947. The day is a national holiday in India. All over the country, flag-hoisting ceremonies are conducted by the local administration in attendance. The main event takes place in Delhi, the capital city of India, where the Prime Minister hoists the national flag at the Red Fortand delivers a nationally televised speech from its ramparts. In his speech, he highlights the achievements of his government during the past year, raises important issues and gives a call for further development. The Prime Minister also pays his tribute to leaders of the freedom struggle.

Aug 12, 2011

wising you all happy Raksha bandhan :)

Rakhsha bandhan is celebrated every year on the day of Shravana Pournima. The name may sounds like Hindu festival, but every one likes to celebrate Raksha Bandhan, when they knows about this festival. Every Sister went to her brother and ties the Rakhi to her beloved brother and puts sweets in his mouth. Also offers Arati and prays for his well living. In response to this brother will assure for her Protection, safety and security through out her life.

beloved brother and sister :)